Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to have a healthy diet routine for healthy skin by Sunny Nguyen

There are a lot of reasons you are not feeling healthy and the first and fore most is your diet. Health and Beauty are interrelated. If you want to have healthy looking skin, then you need to follow a good hygiene as well as a discipline in your diet. 
By consistently practice and adjust your habits with high commitment and discipline, you can get the look you want be it feeling healthy or fit. 

At first, it needs a lot of attention to stay healthy. As times goes by, it will gradually become a habit, a daily routine that you just do unconsciously.
  1. Start from your shopping habit
Every time you buy food at a supermarket or go to a restaurant for a night out or attend a party with friends, always remember to choose a healthier option!
At supermarket: instead of buying packaged and processed food, purchase whole food and fresh vegetables instead. Try to stay away from the areas that display those kind of products. And never store snacks, candies and sweeten food in your house. Never please.
When there are healthy food around you all the time, chances that you eat unhealthy food are extremely low.
At restaurant or parties: practice your mind to choose healthier dishes. It can be a salmon salad over a fried chicken, a pumpkin soup over fried potatoes. If you pay enough attention, there are always healthier option on every table.

2. Learn how to cook
You are never too busy to be able to prepare your meals.
You can either wake up a bit earlier or leave office a bit sooner,… It depends on your jobs and your schedule to decide when you can spend time for cooking. Or if you stay with family, there maybe your spouse, your parent or your maid cook for you.
Whatever circumstances, try to have meal at home as much as possible.
Cooking is actually really fun and stress - released. Try!
3. Eat mindfully
I have seen many people eating while looking constantly on their phones or eating while working or eating real fast just to do something else.
You know, we are never too busy to spend at least 15 minutes for having a meal. The thing is that we think we are too busy to eat. And we could never really EAT. We just try to put food in our mouth, then to our stomach. That’s it.
So, whether it is a 15 - minute snack time or a 30 - minute breakfast, focus on your food only during that time, no phone or other electronic devices. Enjoy the taste and the feeling to eat good food. Or you can have a conversation with friends, co-workers or family during that delicious meal.
“Eat mindfully” helps you enjoy the happiness while taking food, control the quantity of food you eat, and slowly digest them which makes your stomach work more efficiently.

4. Do not starve yourself or eat too much at the same time
It’s simple. You just have to follow the way a baby eats.
Eat when you feel slight hungry and stop when you feel a bit full.
Do not eat when you’re so full or do not starve yourself.
Eat just enough.
It doesn’t matter if you have two meals or five meals a day. It does matter that you take enough food that your body needs, not too little or not too much.
If you are eating too much at the same time, try to put all the food you should take on a plate and stand up when you finish that plate. No more.
If you’re too busy and too lazy to eat, put some kind of bean on your working desks: almond, cashew or walnut,… They are healthy and convenient to use.

5. No food and drinks at least 3 hours before your bedtime
It’s important to follow this rule.
If you eat or drink too late and too much, you will definitely can’t have a good sleep because your stomach has to overwork while it should take rest.
When you can’t sleep well, you already knew what would happen the next day. And if this kind of thing happens frequently, you would not be healthy at all, for sure.
Small tip: brush your teeth at least 3 hours before bedtime, you would no longer feel like to have food.

6. Have your own “cheat day”
YOLO - we only live once. That’s why we should not be so hard on ourselves, all the time. Eating fast food and junk food or drinking alcohol and sweeten tea every now and then is completely fine. For example, you can save a whole Sunday eating whatever you want or spend a Friday night out drinking and having whatever you like.
Absolutely fine! Just don’t let them happen so often.

7. Educate yourself
What kind of food is good for you, what kind of eating habit is good for you, …. Those question should be answered by you only. You can ask help from expert or self - educate.
There are various diet out there. You can choose whatever as long as it help you stay healthy and happy.
Teach yourself wisely what is actually healthy and unhealthy options. Because many people still have wrong conception about what is a good product.
For example: organic processed packaged food is actually not a healthy option, sweeten healthy juices and tea sold at coffee shops are actually not a healthy option at all,….
It’s not complicated at all, you just have to pay a little attention
There is no such thing called “best diet”. You just have to choose what suit you the best. Usually, it’s a combination of different formula.
Do remember that diet is not only for losing weight but also for long - term health which leads to a qualified life in overall.
It’s not easy at first to apply such “bothering rules” to your daily life. But don’t worry, it will become your natural routine after a while putting consistent effort.
Last but not least, IT’S WORTH!.

Author - Sunny Nguyen

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