Saturday, August 22, 2020

How does a charcoal mask really work?

So, I thought of using charcoal mask but the question that popped up in my mind was do these work? I mean so many people are posting videos on youtube and instagram that this works as they remove dirt filled mask layer but I was skeptical. So, I thought of trying it for myself and then see if it really works or not.  

Charcoal face masks are one of the latest trends in skincare. You may have seen videos online of people peeling off a thick black mask to show clear, glowing skin. The goal of these masks is to suck out blackheads from your pores and clear your skin of toxins.
How does a charcoal mask really work?
Activated charcoal draws bacteria, toxins, dirt and oil from the skin. If it’s a peel-off mask, it also works as an excellent exfoliator, ridding the skin of dead cells. The end result is skin that is clean and clear.
#1 Helps in brightening your skin
A charcoal mask rids the skin of impurities and dust settled on it. Once, you wash off the mask, you will notice how bright your skin looks. So,
use this mask to give your skin an instant boost.
#2 Helps exfoliate your skin
In addition to
brightening your skin, a charcoal mask also exfoliates it, thanks to its coarse texture. If effective eliminates dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking bright and beautiful!
#3 No more oily skinA charcoal mask balances the oil secretion on the skin. So, it’s perfect if you have oily, acne-prone skin. This mask is also beneficial in the hot summer months when the oil secretion on your face is more than usual.
This is how the charcoal mask works. Also, I am sharing my personal experience.

I’m using the Charcoal face mask by positive that helps my skin get rid of all the nastiness! used. Once applied on the face, the mask strips away pore-clogging particles, removes excess oil and bacteria.
It also helps get rid of tan, sebum, dirt and dead skin. Instantly brightens up your skin!

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